I.T. & ME

“Information is not power. It is only potential power. Only one thing gives you power, it is ACTION.” – Tony Robins”


Information technology has enriched my personal life and has significantly improved the quality of my work life. Social media such as Facebook has reconnected me with family and friends  who I thought, were”long lost”. It gave me the opportunity and the medium to express my appreciation for their love and friendship all these years. Communication is made easy through the internet and cellphone.

There is more access to travel and leisure. My travels now are more enjoyable because of arrangements available online  which are more affordable and time efficient. When I travel I have a better appreciation of the places I’m visiting because of online information  and maps. More importantly, I am now able to store pictures of major milestones in my life.

I.T. expanded my awareness of what’s going on in the world. I now have a broader perspective and understanding ofimage the different cultures, different views in politics and religion and business trends. A lot of time, effort and money is saved with the use of information technology.

Digital transformation has changed banking forever. Electronic and mobile banking innovations has been phenomenal in the recent years. As a development banker promoting access to credit for countryside development, I have more access to market data that enables me to do more strategic target marketing and  responsive delivery of the bank’s credit facilities. The bank is now able to extend its market reach. Small farmers can now access loan releases through ATM machines nearest to where they live and pay their loans through debit instructions online. Loan origination is now being done online. Credit committee deliberations for loan approvals are now through video conferencing, making loan approvals faster and cost efficient. As a Manager, I.T. is an important management tool, it provides me information for  more proactive and strategic plans. I am now able to perform my leading, organizing and controlling functions better. I communicate better to my team even those in the satellite centers in the other provinces.

As a TEAM Together Everyone Achieves More.


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